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Project for the Development of Silk Khadi


 1. NAME OF THE PROJECT: Project for the Development of Silk Khadi in the state of West Bengal.

2. LOCATION: Bankua, Birbhum, Malda, Murshidabad, Burdwan, Burdwan(E), Burdwan (W), Paschim Medinipur, Purba Medinipur, Purulia, Dakshin Dinajpur & Uttar Dinajpur in the state of West Bengal.

3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: There are at present more or less 650 families having 4890 individual Artisans associated with in the arena of Silk Khadi in the state of West Bengal. There are about 188 Khadi Institutions and Societies which are working for production of Silk Khadi in our state. Mostly they are producing traditional items of Silk Than and conventional items of Silk Khadi products. At present, there is a huge demand of Silk Khadi in the domestic and international market.

Silk Khadi is mainly produced in the District of Malda, Birbhum, Murshidabad, Paschim Medinipur, Bankura, Purulia, Paschim Medinipur and Purba Medinipur to some extent in the district of Burdwan(E), Burdwan(W), Dakshin Dinajpur & Uttar Dinajpur. Once upon a time Murshidabad Silk Khadi was famous in the domestic market due to the heritage skill of Silk Weavers. Silk Fabric is known as queen of Fabric which attracts the consumer to buy these products.

• Lower market presence
• Low return
• Failure in capturing the present market trend
• Product diversification not happening
• Facing stiff competition with Power Loom Products as the cost of production in Khadi Sector is high.
• Absence of aggressive marketing
• Absence of wider publicity
• Low capital base
• Lack of availability Working Capital
• Poor livelihood of the Artisans
• New generation not feeling interested to join this sector
• Low earning of the Artisans
• Absence of Modern Designs
• Value addition not explored
• Absence of appropriate technology
• Absence of Branding & Brand Building
• Non-availability of quality raw materials in sufficient quantity in time
• Poor infrastructures
• Lack of storage facility
• Lack of Quality Control & Testing Facility
• Irregular repair and maintenance lead to low productivity
• Absence of proper archive of information


• Absence of proper working ambiance in their dwelling place – Workshed Required
• Artisans literacy rate is low in the district of Malda & Murshidabad
• Drop outs percentage area in higher sides
• Some Artisans are not having regular health check-up
• Inadequate tap connection and supply for drinking water – Artisans prefer Tube Well
• Maximum of Artisans avail Kachcha Latrine Facility
• Artisans have health issues like pain in legs and hands, shoulder joint problem, spondylitis, vision problem and asthma.
• Artisan’s family suffer from dowry issues and sometimes their sons are rejected in marriage as they are engaged in weaving professions – reasons are low earning

• Silk Khadi is hand reeling & hand woven fabric and it is eco-friendly.
• It has huge demand in domestic and international market
• A large no. of people are ready to pay better price for their health and comfort
• Besides dress material, Silk Khadi have potential market in the other consumer dressing material also
• There are large quantities of Human Resources who have love and faith for Silk Fabric
• It has huge employment potential to develop the rural economy
• Reelers and Weavers are almost in their household and the requirement of space is comparatively less than other industries
• Per capita investment towards plant and machinery for weavers and reelers are very low

I. Soft Intervention
II. Hard Intervention
III. Working Capital

• Awareness programme
• Training on Reeling for Silk Khadi
• Training for Pre-Loom Activity in the arena of Sizing, Warping and Beaming, Pirn Winding, Drafting and Denting, Preparation of Loom and setting up Jacquard for Silk Khadi
• Training on Designing & Weaving for Silk Khadi
• Training on Bleaching & Dyeing for Silk Khadi


• Providing Machine to the Pre-Loom Artisans which has been developed by the Govt. College of Engineering & Textile Technology, Serampore from the project as sponsored by WBKVIB
• Providing Reeling Machine to the Reelers for Silk Khadi
• Providing Handloom with Jacquard, Dobby to the Silk Khadi Weavers with a view to introduction of new design in the fabric
• Workshed for the Weavers for Silk Khadi
• Providing Reeling Shed to the Reelers for Silk Khadi