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  1. To promote self reliance of rural communities through the production of Khadi and Village Industries.
  2. Seek to facilitate/ provide adequate flow of credit from financial institutions/ Banks.
  3. To build up reserves of raw materials and supply them to as and when required.
  4. Support for technology up gradation and modernization.
  5. To plan and organize training of persons employed or desirous of seeking employment in Khadi and Village Industries.
  6. To encourage and assist in the creation of common service facilities for the processing of raw materials or semi finished goods and for otherwise facilitating production and marketing of Khadi or products of Village Industries.
  7. To promote the marketing of Khadi or products of Village Industries or handicrafts and for this purpose forge links with established marketing agencies wherever feasible.
  8. To provide financial assistance to institutions or persons engaged in the development and operation of Khadi or Village Industries and guide them through supply of designs, prototypes and other technical information for the purpose of producing goods and services for which there is effective demand in the opinion of the Board.
  9. To ensure genuineness and to set up standards of quality and ensure that products of Khadi and Village Industries do conform to the said standards.
  10. Entrepreneurship development and skill upgradation through appropriate training facilities.
  11. Support for product development, design intervention and packaging & quality improvement.
  12. Welfare of artisans and workers.
  13. Assistance for better access to domestic and export markets.

The Board has its office in every district of the state consists of the District officer, Circle Inspector, Head Clerk, Clerk cum Typist, Auditor, Cashier, Peon & Night Guard. The District Officer of the District is the most important representative of the KVIB Detail of District offices are given below: