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The long cherished dream of West Bengal Khadi & Village Industries Board came true when Sri Swapan Debnath, Hon’ble Minister of State, GoWB launched the Board’s website “” on 27.09.2013 in a befitting ceremony at the Conference Hall of Hemanta Bhawan, Kolkata. Sri Asit Mal, Chairman, WBKVIB presided over the programme and Sri Rajiva Sinha, Principal Secretary, MSSE&T Deptt, GoWB was the Chief Guest. Sri Parvez Siddiqui, MD, WBSIDC; Sri Sunil Dandapat, Spl Secretary, MSSE&T Deptt; Sri Ranjit Kr Saha, State Director, KVIC;Sri Mrityunjay Bandopadhyay, CEO, WBKVIB; Sri Harish Dey, Secretary, WBKVIB; Sri Gopal Ch Biswas, FA&CAO, WBKVIB and Sri Subhash Bandopadhyay, PEO, WBKVIB were other dignitaries present on the occasion. 
Sri Mrityunjay Bandopadhyay, CEO, WBKVIB in his address welcoming all present stated that the website will provide updated information in respect of the activities of the West Bengal Khadi & Village Industries Board so that all the stakeholders and people in general may easily get requisite information, download the related Forms etc from the Board’s website. The application Form for Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) and other guidelines can easily be accessed by the unemployed youths of the State. People will be able to know more transparently about the activities of the West Bengal Khadi & Village Industries Board in upliftment of the rural economy.
At the end Sri Harish Dey, Secretary, WBKVIB expressed his thanks to the guests and others for being present on this memorable occasion of Khadi Board.