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West Bengal produces nearly 55% of total Muslin production in India. There were great efforts done to revive the fine Muslin which was known worldwide. So far it was possible to spin and weave 500s count Muslin which is comparable to the famous Bengal Muslin in some way. The entire process of spinning and weaving needs lots of skill and patience and only very small quantity of 500s count Muslin is produced in some areas of West Bengal namely Nabadwip, Kalna and Chak areas. They are scattered and spinning & weaving done in different places. It is assessed that total production of 500s count Muslin is very few in number (only 30) thans (11.00m X 1.27m) in a year, where the demand is huge. It is also found that skilled artisans in this field is rapidly diminishing. To carry out the production of Bengal Pride Muslin in long run and also to increase the nos. of skilled artisans in this field, WBKVIB has set up a "Training Cum Production Cum Research Centre" in collaboration with its assisted Institution namely Matiary Kutir Shilpa Pratisthan, Nabadwip, Dist: Nadia.

Name of the Research Centre   : High Count Muslin Training Cum Production Cum Training Centre
Location    : Radhabazar, Nabadwip, Dist: Nadia
Local Management: (1) District Office, Nadia, WBKVIB
(2) Matiary Kutir Shilpa Pratisthan, Nabadwip, Nadia Phone:-03472-241127

Overall Management:

West Bengal Khadi & Village Industries Board,
12, B.B.D.Bag, Kolkata - 700001 Phone:- 2231-1281
No. of Trainees already trained
For Spinning - 27 Nos. For Weaving -   3 Nos.
Total - 30 Nos.

Training Schedule

a) Faculty : Spinning 
No. of Artisan: 10 Nos. of Artisan
Duration:9 months

b) Faculty :Weaving   
No. of Artisan: 3 Nos. of Artisan
Duration:9 months

Source of Fund : Grant in Aid as received from Govt. of West Bengal
Status of Institutions: The Programme is being run by WBKVIB in collaboration with Matiary Kutir Shilpa Pratisthan, Nabadwip, Nadia, an assisted institution of WBKVIB