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Earthworms have been on the earth over millions of years. In this time they have faithfully done their part to keep the cycle of life continuously moving. Their purpose is simple but very important. Vermi Compost cluster is the process of turning organic debris into worm castings. And the worm casting is very important for soil fertility. Vermi Compost is done in small and large scales.Vermi Compost cluster is the process of converting bio-degradable material into compost or organic fertilizer with the aid of earthworms. The product of the casting is commonly known as vermi compost.

Today overmuch uses of fertilizer agri farming vegetable and other crops goes to one kind of poison feed in human life. Other way farmers lost their land’s power to cultivate more crops. So today vermi compost production and use is an important challenge for farmers for income generation and leading a healthy life. (Link to ...Impact Study.....)

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