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The Sabai Grass industry is linked with cultivation of sabai grass and processing of the grass into various consumer household articles such as ropes, mats, carpets, sofa sets, wall hangings and other highly sophisticated and artistic designing products. This grass is also known as Babui Grass in different part of the state.Especially the artistic designing of Sabai grass products are admired in foreign countries. So the industry has great export prospective. Sabai grass is usually cultivated in less fertile highlands. Water requirement for growing of this plant is less as compared to other crops.

As a raw material, Sabai Grass is excellent for many hand weaving crafts and is suitable for manufacturing of superior quality paper, staple rayon and artificial silk owing to its low lignin and high fibre contents. Now- a - days, the most important use of this grass is in making ropes for domestic purposes. (Link to Impact Study.)

 TPC :  Rs. 331.08 lakhs